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We are so excited to announce our new health services partner that is coming soon to our district, Hazel Health! With Hazel Health, all students will have access to virtual physical and mental health care at no cost to families.
All students in our district have access to virtual physical and mental health care at no cost to families through our partnership with Hazel Health.
Hazel Health therapists and medical providers can help your child or teen with what they’re feeling, like anxiety, stress, abdominal pain, headaches, and everything in between! Consent for services at

Through our partnership with Hazel Health, students have access to virtual physical and mental health care at no cost this school year. Hazel Health telehealth services are available at school during school hours, and at home Monday through Friday. Learn more and consent for Hazel Health services:

Hazel Health provides care for everything from stomach aches and rashes to anxiety and depression. Hazel’s licensed therapists and medical providers can help your child feel better. Sign up and learn more:
Hazel Health helps students get the health care they need so they can return to learning and avoid missing school. Every student in our district is eligible for Hazel services! Hazel Health medical providers and licensed therapists connect with students for virtual sessions.
Hazel Health is here to support your child or teen this school year. Learn more and consent for services

We are so excited to announce our new health services partner, Hazel Health!
Hazel Health licensed medical providers and therapists help with whatever your child is feeling. Therapists help with mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, or change, and medical providers help with physical health symptoms, like headaches, abdominal pain, or pink eye.
With your consent, your child can access virtual physical and mental health care at no cost this school year.

We are excited to announce our new health services partner–Hazel Health!
Hazel Health helps student’s get the physical and mental healthcare they need, so they can return to learning. Every student in our district is eligible for Hazel services!
- Cold or flu symptoms
- Headache
- Stomach ache
- Asthma
- Peer relationships
- Anxiety
- Depression